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About Us
The About Us page is often one of the most visited pages on a Web Site. This is because visitors to your site are often looking for information to assist them in deciding whether your site is credible before investing the time to further explore your site. An effective About Us page can distinguish your club or organizations from others. It builds credibility and trust by personalizing your organization.

The About Us page is a good place to include the history behind your organization. A little background information goes a long way in establishing confidence and trust in visitors to your site. It is important to keep this information clear and easy to understand. Some points you may want to include are:
  • How long has your organization been established?
  • What is the purpose of your organization?
  • Who are the people behind your organization?
  • What can your organization offer visitors to your site?
You may also want to include any formal recognition, awards, or endorsements that your organization has earned. This is the place in which your organization can stand out!

The images on the About Us page should include people. You may want to add photos of organization staff or members.

The About Us page should be clear and direct. It is recommended that you avoid long or complicated stories.
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